Wednesday, June 28, 2006
1. full name: Sean Teo Xuan Hua(gaydified chi name)
2. name backwards: Auh NauX Oet Naes(wahahah wth???)
3. were u named aftr sum1: Nopee.
4. meaning of name: dunno....
5. nickname: Duck, seanny(yieks)
6. screen name: wad is this? msn nick?
7. Date of birth: 02/06/93(hint hint)
8. Place of birth: Hospital
9. Nationality: Singporean
10. Current location: infront of the computer.
11. Star Sign: Gemini
12. religion: buddhist
13. height: 170cm(bliv it or nt i grown taller)
14. weight: 51kg(ARGHHH)
15. Shoe size: us? uk? or wad?
16. Hair colour: Black!!
17. eye colour: wo bu zhi dao ppl giv comments!!
18. what do u look lyk: a gay, alot ppl say tt...roar.
19. innie or outie: wad does this mean? sorie i suck.=X
20. righty or lefty: righty
21. gay, straight, bi or other: other bahh
22. best frens: bryan, daren, daniel, and all trackers!!
23. best friend u trust the most: bryan(but he sometyms lyk 2 trick me)
24. fav pals: trackers
25. bez frens of the opp sex: shiying!!!
26. best buddies: bryan, daren, daniel, saufi(wheeeee)
27. boifren or girlfren: dun hav.
28. crush; hmm, no havv...
29. parents: wad ya tink?
30. worst enemy: suckers
31. fav online guys: bryan!
32. fav online girls: jolynn
33. funniest fren: daren, bryan(as usual..)
34. craziest fren: hmm, nt sure...cant be bothered to go and think hu
35. advice fren: ani1 hu can give me advice
36. loudest fren: CHUA LIWEN(she is juz mad...)
37. person u cry with: not yet.
38. any sisters: 2 sisters..(elder)
39. any brudders: real bro nope.but gt daren and bryan as my brudders
40. any pets: nopee
41. a disease: hornyness counted?
42. a pager: hmm...wadd ya think??
43. a personal phone line: nope
44. a cell phone: yupp. bt it is currently spoiled
45. a lava lamp: nopez
46. a pool or hot tub: i poor kia, dun hav.=((
47. a car: nope
48. personality: sucky boi
49. driving: cannot larr..
50. car or one u want: porche or wadeva tt is...
51. room: wad does tis mean? mean wad i hav in the room??
52. what's missing: erm, lotsa things
53. schl: dhs
54. bed: i hav in my room
55. relationship with parents: fantastic
56. bliv in urself: must hav self confidence ritee??
57. do u bliv in love at first sight: yuppx
58. consider urself a gd listener: okayy bahh
60. get along with parents: refer to question 55
61. save ur email conversations: dependss
62. pray: nahh, no time
63. bliv in reincarnation: no comments...
64. lyk 2 make fun of ppl: i do tt almost evryday
65. lyk 2 talk on phone: ok then my phone spoil liao.Siann
66. want 2 get married: still early larr..
67. lyk 2 drive: dunno lehh
68. get motion sickness: nopeee, nt a weakling
69. eat the stems of a broccoli: i hate broccoli.YIKES
70. eat chicken fingers with a fork: noppe...
71. dream in color: wad does tis mean again??
72. type with ur fingers on home row: wadda hell??
73. sleep with a stuffed animal: when i was young i guess
74. right nxt 2 u: no 1
75. on the walls of ur room: paint, window, aircon(spoiled)
76. on ur mouse pad: meaning(told ya im toopid)
77. dream car: lazy 2 repeat myself
78. dream date: currently nobodi. X)
79. dream honeymoon spot: LOLs
80. dream husband or wife: waiting...
81. ur bedtime: no specific.Can be as early as 8 and can be as late as 2am
82. under ur bed: floor and some stupid things bah i guess
83. the single most important question: is there trng tmr? LOL
84. ur bad tym of the day: depends...
85. ur worst fears: getting thrashed by jamie.. X(
86. the weather is: cooling
87. the time: 8.36pm
88. the date: 28 june 2006
89. the bez trick u eva played on some1: i forgot liao...
91. theme song: wdds this?
92. the hardest thing bout growin up: i nt sure...
93. ur funniest experience: alot of funny experiences...
94. scariest moment: dun hav...
95. the silliest thing u hav said: some stupid crap
96. the funniest or most desperate thing you hav done 2 get da attention of the sex: no
97. the scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friends: dun hav siahh
98. the worst feeling in the world: when i get thrashed on the track
99. the best feeling in the world: when i qualify 4 s/finals for 400m
100. 5 people to do this quiz: yuhding, shiying, mabel, jolynn, edmund's girl, szeyuen...haha szeyuen dun kill me 4 sayin tt plz thankiew.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
here are the golden rules
(x) do the folowing without complaint
(x) choose 5 person who rawked to do this
(x) Start yr post with i have been tagged..lols
my 10 favourites:
my 10 favourites:fav color> black
fav song>No Specific liking. :)
fav food>As long as it is delicious
fav movie>Runaway vacation(for the time being)
fav sport>running
fav season>summer!!:D
fav day of the week>Friday...
fav ice-cream flavour>Cookies and Cream
fav book>Davinci Code
fav cartoon>Doraemon
9 currents:
current mood>Happie
current clothes>some op shirt
current desktop>dun get wad this mean
current toe-nail colour>no colour...=X
current time>9.39pm
current annoyance>nobody...
curent thought>blogging
current girlfren>girlfren? no 1 larr
current book being read>call of the wild (^_~)"
8 first:
first best fren>Saufi
first crush>crush?? no 1....
first movie>too long liao cant rmbr...=X
first piercing>im waiting 4 da day 2 come....
first lie>when i was a xiao boi boi....
first music>forgott....
first car>im waiting 4 da day 2 come......... :(
first handphone>when i was in p5
7 lasts:
last cigarette>i dun smoke der hor!
last drink>5min ago...plain water. lols
last car ride>just noww took taxi to orchard(countd??)
last crush>i gt no a pure gayy/
last movie seen>Runaway Vacation
last phone call>2 hrs ago, to my mummy
last cd played>jay chou shi yi yue de xiao bang
6 have u ever:
broken the law> a guai1 kia
been arrested>arrested?!?!? siao....
skinny dipped>im very skinny noww... :(
been on tv>my frens say i did....
kissed someone yr age> cousin. hahahaha
5 things i am wearing:
5)wad else can i wear??
4 things u have done today:
1)played bball
2)did geog project
3)cut hair... :
4)chat on msn...
3 things u can hear right now:
2)the msn tt sound...ppl tokin 2 me
3)my sister askin me some stupid questions.. -.-
2 things u can't live with:
1 person u wish would do this:
mr han yuhding aka monkey..haha :)
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Name 20 ppl before u read the questions below and then tag 5 ppl to do this.
Names chosen:
1. Yuhding, 2. Bryan, 3. Daren, 4. Mabel, 5. Shiying, 6. Jolynn, 7. Gabriel Lim, 8. Saufi
9. Amanda Ong, 10. Michelle, 11. Emily Tan, 12. Jinni, 13. Yasmin, 14. Kuanliang, 15. Daniel
16. Yuanwei, 17. Heather, 18. Teoee, 19. Shane, 20. Joyce
When did u meet no.14? -kuanliang
track's first training
What would u do if u hav not met no.1? -yuhding
commit suicide as i will be bored 2 death
What will u do if 20 and 9 dated? -Joyce and amanda ong
they dun evn noe each
Would i eva lyk 19?- Shane
unless im a gay, but he's a nice fren 2 havX))
Would 6 and 17 make a nice couple?-jolynn and heather
nahh, dun think they r les eh??
Describe 3-Daren
guyy hu can do pullup, pervertic, humourous
Do u think 8 is attractive?-Saufi
yeahh, he is HAWT!!x))
Tell me sth about 7-Gabriel
Do you noe anyth about 12's family?-jinni
they are friendly ppl..=)
what would u do if 11 confesses she/he likes u?- Emily Tan
oh no!! nah, she wun lyk me.she treats me as xiao boiboi..X))
what language does 15 speak?- Daniel
cow language....
Who is 9 going out with??- amanda ong
ERIC!! lol, i duno lar..mayb her brudder and her family??
How old is 16 now??-yuanwei
15 years old liaoo, sec 3 lehh! hah.
When was the last tym i talked to 13?-Yasmin
5 minutes ago, on msn. -.-
Who's 2 fav singer/band?-Bryan
Jay Chou...wheee he rockX))
Would u date 4?-Mabel
she arh? mayb lor.see howw bahh...
Would u date 7?- Gabriel lim?
eewwwwww, he sux...=X
Is 15 single??-Daniel
not sure..but i noe he nt good at jio-ing gals...=X
Whats no.10 last name?? Michelle
Michelle TAN...haha.
Would u eva be in a serious relationship with 11?-Emily Tan
hmm, ppl mite be jealous ehhh...
What school does 3 goes to??-daren
same school as me and same class as me...-.-
Where does 6 live??- Jolynn
Yio Chu Kang..(so farrr)
Whats my fav thing about 5?-Shiying
hmm, crappin with her lorrX))
Have i seen no.1 naked?-yuhding
hmm whyy not??? guys toilet see b4...=X
yupp, end of quiz lerr...hav fun!! dun kill me though after reading the answers...
copyrighted from
i need 2 finish my homework mann...but...i really need help.
the LA thingy really sucks lar...hah, nvr mind, shall try my best 2 finish it by 2dayy lorhx....hai, school gonna reopen soon, which means trouble for me...
but nvr mind, school reopen liao very funn.coz nationals r comin in juz lyk 2 weeks time.haha.yeahh. budden, i juz dun lyk my seating arrangement larr...
of all places why mus i sit over there.dammit lar. good thing daren is juz beside me, the place whr i sat for the past 2 terms.If not, im gonna be suffocated 2 death..hah!
yeah and ytd trng was kinda good..i did 1 set of fast 800m and timing was still the same as monday's, 2:35...but i noe it could be bttr coz my last 100m, my muscles all tighten up and i slowed dwn lyk shit. :(
but nvm, there are more trainings and hopefully i can improve my timing and most importantly, NOT TO LOSE TO JAMIE BY
determination will do out jamie. lols, tts lame. -.-
and i dun gettit mann.Shiying is lyk injured alrdy and she wans 2 go for more trainings.And i think arh the injury might get worse lehh...
but wad can i do? hai, nvm. juz wish her all the best...dun worsen the injury bahh
kayys, i shall stop here then.bye ppl.
anyth can happenn, juz wait and see....
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
and yeah, training later....whoa siao. i havent complete my holiday hmwk yet sia....
im officially dead siann..
tmr thursday, nt going out or anything, hope i can finish my homework bahhh....
oh no, michael owen is lyk injured liaos.Pray tt his injury is nt serious...if nt he is gonna be ruled out for all the matches in the world cup...hai. another player injured...
yeah and tt match england drew 2-2 with sweden and will face ecudaor, who lost to germany 3-0, in the round of 16...and germany will play with sweden..
whoa, today holland vs argentina, interestin match 2 watch mannn...
bt 2 bad, i cannot watch....hai, sad sia. :(
training later, must try 2 break 60 seconds again...wish me luck.
yeah, shall end here, i shall go bac and slp b4 i go for trng ltr....bye.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

man, i lyk this addidas wristbands man, wonder where can i get it?
anybody who sees it can tell me plz? i wanna buy.
hahaha, very nice sia...haha.
yeah and i went to tampines library 2day, hoping 2 complete some stuff..
yes managed 2 finishd the maths number sequence worksheets..
and i dunno how 2 do the LA lar...wlao. so harddd...i si ding liao la.
prayy for me ppl!! hahaha, yeah and there is trng tmr...
nobody going home with me aftr trng coz yuhding nt going trng tmr bcz of class outing and shiying goin to ngee ann poly for more sad.
whoa and shiying pia lyk siao lar...i think she seriously wans 2 get sumth in nationals..
she can de, coz i heard frm her tt many sports school girls hav withdraw from the 100 and 200m races....haha. wish her good luck then.
billabong!! their wallets are nice man....
and i want 1 sling bag frm billabong....hahaa.
i want so many things....demanding me.
mayb i shd save more money and buy it bahh...
hahahaha, yeah ok, i shall end my post here. byebye
wish myslef gd luck for tmr trng..haha.
the passion for track will nvr be gone, watch and see! <3>
but nvr mind lor...wahh and i lost lyk shit.
was close 2 him for the starting 50 meters and then suddenly he was SO AHEAD of me...and i gave up at the 80m mark...
and i think he won me by lyk 20m!! wahh sehh, tio thrash lyk shit...
and the winner of the challenge will get a 7-11 combo from the loser...and yup.
treated him 2 the combo after the training lor....
yah and i thought tt today trng is gonna be dam tough...but in the end, i think it was kinda good...but i was quite sad though.
i could hav easliy broken the 60 mark and do a 59+ timing...but darn tt hurdle in lane 4 lar...wth was it doin over there lar...extra.
and there is nt juz 1 hurdle, there is 3!!! and i hav 2 go round it and obviously my timing increased..and i was dam pissed.
and i nid to improve my last muscle will always suddenly cramp up der...and 2day another thing happened 2 me...
i kinda sprained my neck and my empty brain hurts lyk shit....
yeah, im weak la i must train harder..2 more trng sessions b4 school reopens..
must train harder...pia pia pia. but dun pia 2 hard though...later injured or something den mati liao...hahaa.
yeah and did 1 800m and 1 more 400m aftr that...
my 800m timing was lyk 2min35 seconds...4 seconds off my personal best...
can consider as quite good for me as i hav nt trained 800m for 4 trng sessions ler..
yupp so quite happy and timing sure can cut dwn more de...
coz im determined nt 2 get thrashed by jamie!!! yes!!
so, will pia all out...cannot hav tt loser symptom...evn if jamie is 100m away frm me i also must try 2 close up the gap...
hahaha, nt lyk 2day when i challenged yuhding...haha.
yeah and my last 400m timing was 65 was lousy though.
but nvm lar, i had done a sprinted 400m and a 800m which i hav nt done for "years" quite happi wit 2day training....X))
yeah, so seanny the duck will train harder!!
let my feet do all the talkin mann...haH. watch out ppl...X)
lemme prove u wrong....
Monday, June 19, 2006
but nvr mind lor...wahh and i lost lyk shit.
was close 2 him for the starting 50 meters and then suddenly he was SO AHEAD of me...and i gave up at the 80m mark...
and i think he won me by lyk 20m!! wahh sehh, tio thrash lyk shit...
and the winner of the challenge will get a 7-11 combo from the loser...and yup.
treated him 2 the combo after the
but nvr mind lor...wahh and i lost lyk shit.
was close 2 him for the starting 50 meters and then suddenly he was SO AHEAD of me...and i gave up at the 80m mark...
and i think he won me by lyk 20m!! wahh sehh, tio thrash lyk shit...
and the winner of the challenge will get a 7-11 combo from the loser...and yup.
treated him 2 the combo after thw
but nvr mind lor...wahh and i lost lyk shit.
was close 2 him for the starting 50 meters and then suddenly he was SO AHEAD of me...and i gave up at the 80m mark...
and i think he won me by lyk 20m!! wahh sehh, tio thrash lyk shit...
and the winner of the challenge will get a 7-11 combo from the loser...and yup.
treated him 2 the combo after th
Sunday, June 18, 2006
with a week left b4 school reopens, the slacker seanny still has tons of homework not done...not really tons. im done with all my maths hmwk, my science is halfdone, my chinese im left with some questions and 2 jianbao, LA i had done nth at all...i simply just do not noe how 2 do the call of the wild thingy... -.-
mayb im just purely stupid lor...yah. and instead of doin my hmwk, im usin the computer noww and im off 2 my auntie hse later to watch football, and aftr tt when i reach home, i immediately go to sleep day wake up at 9 or 10 plus do things tt arent constructive and off i go to training then on tuesday....ok i duno wad im gonna do.
guess i am gonna do the darn homework of gonna reopen in a week's time.Nationals 3 weeks away...little trainings left.
i must try not 2 get thrashed by jamie. YES JAMIE!
and i just realised tt i hav no life at all...everything i do is always the same.Nth new or special der...sian. wad a boring life i hav...
hai, so bored.Nth 2 blog le lar, so bye ppl
im not gonna lose 2 u X))
if i did nt count wrongly, i think we did 10 sets of those...yeah, i think it is very useful lar...yupp. and there was 1 CHIJ katong girl who was lyk jumping...haha. and mr lim keep telling her not 2 jump..lols.
and he said tt when i run, my body is too straight liao (does it?) and asked me 2 bend down abit...i also dunno lar..haha.
yup and after 10 sets of knee lifts, i went to do 5 sets of 400m with 2 poly guys and mind u they were damn fast but nvm, i didnt get thrashed by them.Tried 2 stay as close to them as possible....haaha. timing for the first set: 72 sec, 2nd set: 75 sec, 3rd set: 78 sec, 4th set 83 sec, 5th set: not sure, the guy who took the timing didnt tell me...haha.
rested for 10 minutes after tt and mr lim told me to do 2 sets of 800m and tts all, end of training already...but after i completed my first set, mr lim askd me to stop, coz mayb im tired or something? he didnt tell me the reason though...
hahaha, yeah and i stopped and did cooldowns and training ended at 5+....
and mr lim took me, shiying, 1 chij katong girl and her mother to the mrt station, and when we alightd from his car, the chij girl mum askd us whtr we are brothers and sisters!!!
LOLS, me and shiying? brother and sister? hah! mayb we do look alike eh? HAHA.
yupp, and shiying was lyk nono, i am her jnr...lols.
hahaha, yeah went 2 buy bubble tea cause i was really really thirsty and i was quite stupid, i forgot to refill my water bottle b4 i go...hah.
yeah then drank it while we were walkin bac to mrt stn...and when the train came, i had alrdy finishd drinking my drink liaos, and it is lyk 5 minutes sumth onlie...haha.
and shiying had not even startd drinking yet lar...hahaha
oh yah, shiying told me wad loser is lyk wad ure afraid of some1 in ur race and u will be lyk thinkin tt ure gonna lose lyk hell or sumth...
hey that is lyk wad im thinkin lar, coz in my 800m heats, there is this jamie and he is good lar...and obv he comes frm spore sports school...
but lets think it another way, if this jamie comes from some lousy school lyk unity sec or wadeva...will i be scared of him? obviously no right?
yeah, so conclusion: there is no point 2 be afraid of sports school, juz challenge them.
u might turn out 2 be a winner than a loser eh? hahaha.
yeah so yesterday trng turned out 2 be a fruitful one....learnt alot of things from shiying...haha. lemme tell u she rock lar. lol.haha
mushroom mushroom!!
Friday, June 16, 2006
me? im juz a sec 1 only, challenging them? i think i think 2 much liao la...
mayb i shd wait for nxt yr b4 i really make a big impact on the track...but this year, it is lyk really no hope lar...i cant break the 60 mark. there r better trackers than me who are also competing in thr is really no chance...but at least, i will do my very best on 12 july and not let all the trainings i had go dwn the drain.
yeah and mayb i shld listen 2 shiying.Sports school is juz a brand, there is no need 2 be afraid of now, i think tt if other school runners are faster den ya, try 2 be faster than them...and yup, spore sports school really has a good 400m jamie.
he is different heat frm me la, haha. coz my heats has no good schools, but tt does not mean anyth does it? haha. :)
sports school eh? juz the name.we can name dunman high school, dunman sports school also wad!! hah! im nt gonna let spore sports school affect me now...
1 week of trng left, 3 more sessions, 3 more weeks and natonals shall start...but my event wun start so early and mayb i will hav more trainings...
yes, and im going 2 ngee ann poly to train tmr...shiying is going.Yeah and she is dam pia lar, and she really has lyk improved so much. I bliv i can also do tt...
if shiying can, why cant i? yupp. haha..=)
and for those hu dislike track or rather treats track as a shelter, we cant do anyth 2 change ure thinking rite? so if u wan 2 quit, juz quit lor...
mayb "some" ppl r gonna stop u, but....yup. and im nt gonna let this affect my enthusiasm 2wards track, coz im "desperate" 2 qualify...
lol, alrite tts lame though...hahah, the desperation in me X))
yeah, so cheer for no.375!!
a moment in ur life, treasure it.Dun lose it.
and here i go for glory in july...let my feet prove 2 u ppl mann...X))
Thursday, June 15, 2006
that last blogskin has been so long alrdy tt ppl has been complaining and asking me 2 change....haha, and yup. i finally changed alrdy...
hoep u guys like it eh? and gotta thank mr yuhding for this...
he was using this skin b4 2day and i cant use it, coz i dun wanna hav the same skin as him...haha. but he changed it 2day, so i IMMEDIATELY changed it liao. X))
yeahh and 2day mabel left spore for thailand..hai, trngs wun be as lively as b4 eh? but she will be coming bac at?? ok, i duno this, i didnt ask and she didnt tell..
hahah, yeah and jolynn is comin bac tmr frm malaysia but is coming bac at around 6-7pm (tts wad she told me though)..
and yupp, so she is missing trainings...and talkin bout missing trngs ah, i think at the end of the holidays, i will be the only 1 who attended all 12 trngs in the holidays...
hey, tts lyk so cool...all ticks on the attendance list.. :)
haha yup, tmr trng again.still dunno wad shd i run tmr...400m? or 800m?
i got a feelin tt my 800m has deproved lyk shit....i hav nt ran 800 for a long long time...
and i surely will do badly and my timing will be way bhind 2.31 which is also my pb...
hai, wish me luck then, i dun wanna get thrashed on 11 july though...
and seriously my heats has strong schools and weird weird schools, but weird weird schools doesnt mean tt they r lousy.they mite be training so hard and they might be so damn fast? yeah, so will let my legs prove to ppl on 11 july then...
nd i think my 400m will be bttr than b4...i had been trng tt for the past 4 trng sessions...
10 sets on each session...yeah and the last set, i will do a fast 1..lyk competition liddat de, but normally i will be tired der and cant run fast, and will only do lyk 65-67 seconds...
hai, i really hope tt i can qualify lehx...liddat i shuang liao lor.
i dun demand for more, i juz wan s/finals....hai...wish me luck once agn lor. x)
and im dam sian now, coz i dunno whtr i wanna go watch england match not is at 12am and i think my parents wun allow, evn though my auntie and uncle allow me 2 sleep at their hse and go bac the next day...hai.
world cup rox...and i think england is gonna win trinidad and tobago by at least 2 goals 2nite, evn though they performed poorly in their opening match..
but they r playing at around 6pm in germany, and the temperature wun be as hot as it is at 3pm...haha. and rooney might be able 2 play a part in this game...
so, expect england 2 qualify for the final 16 with a bang! haha.
k im tired, and i shall stop here, bye ppl!
here i come!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
ahh, must train harder ler...yeah and this is how it goes.
lane, competitor, no. tag, school (tts the order hah.)
[800m] 11july heats 1 of 4!!!!
2. Tan Wen Yi 162 Acs(i)
3. Ong Chin Hwee 591 Tanglin secondary
4. Edwin Tan 6 Ahmad Ibrahim Sec
5. Md Nuraiman 596 Unity Secondary
6. Prime Poon 64 Maris Stella High
7. Pang Zi Kang 490 Bukit View Secondary
8. Lin shiyi 99 Sengkang Secondary
9. Reuben CHew 398 Ngee Ann
10. Joel Gareth 421 St Patrick
11. Jonathan Teo 179 Catholic High
12. Bernard Tiong 44 Evergreen sec
13. Anuruddhan Arunan 453 Victoria
14. Md Aliefi 355 Changkat Changi Sec
15. Lee Guan Lin 270 Raffles
16. Mohd Farihin 104 Serangoon Sec
17. Pang Qi Chiu 229 Peicai Sec
18. Lin Jun Ren 2 Admiralty Sec
19. Jamie Ross Coates 112 Singapore Sports School
20. Hoon John Louie 59 Holy Innocent High
21. Aaron Lau 292 St joseph
[400m] 12 july- 0830 HEATS 11 OF 11!!!! ARGH!!
Lane 1: Ong Yong Sheng 328 Bedok Green Secondary School
Lane 2: Lin Jun Ren 2 Admiralty Secondary School
Lane 3: Lim Chin Ken 338 Bedok View Secondary School
Lane 4: SEAN TEO XUAN HUA 375 Dunman High School
Lane 5: Toh Si Zheng 231 Peicai Secondary
Lane 6: Luqemann Hafiz 486 Bukit Panjang Govt High
Lane 7: Dechatorn Koh 287 St Andrews
yupp, no more events for me ler...haha. my 800m gt strong schl sia..good.
my 400m is the last heat, and 800m is the first heat...siann.
i set my heart out 2 qualify for the s/finals for 400m man...i must.
yeah so watch out for dunman high school tag no. 375!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
i dun think we did anything constructive though...went 2 play bball at the bball court for a while, dun really noe how long though...and then went 2 did some work at the first floor since we cant find any seats on the 4th floor..Haha.
yupp yupp did some work...and cannot tahan the sianness already and daren suggestd we go take some magazines and read...and yup we did.
and read read read...and then a moment of photo crazeness came into us...handphone cameras were turn were snapped. infrared, bluetooth were turn on 2 send sehh sehh pictures...haha. i bet we did tt for at least 1 hour...haha. waste of time...
but the pictures we took very nice (tts wad i think la)...haha. but then so sad, i lost my phone the cable so cannot upload into the computer...sian.
hai, nvm larhx...try 2 find the cable lor...hahaha and it is trng day tomorrow again...10 more sets of 400m and i am really determined 2 break 60 timing for nationals must be at least bttr than 59.71...if not i MIGHT nt hav a chance to qualify for semi finals...coz last year the last 400m semi final qualifer timing was 59.71...
so mayb i gotta do bttr than tt or at least achieve bttr than tt...hahah.
gonna work really really hard eh...haha.
AND YES i got the programme list for the nationals alrdy....
if yuhding didnt tell me i also dunno tt it is out liao...hahaa thankx eh. :)
yupp, my strongest event 400m, lane 4...see, tts wad u get if u train hard eh...haha. tts wad i think though...jianfeng's prize for nt coming trng as he is in china will mean tt he is being awarded lane no.8!! HAHAHA.. lol so bad.
hahaha, and edmund is in lane 2...his heat gt strong school eh...
k wish edmund and jianfeng gd luck...myself also. LOOOOLS...haha.
yeah and my 800m is in lane 1...i hate it. that stupid gun...grahhh.. im gonna go temporary deaf again ler...sian.. :( jiayou lor sean. hahax
and apparently i dun see jianfeng's name in the 800m list....omg
wondering if mr siva got register him nortx leh...if dun hav ah, wah seh. die le.
yeah must pia during hard man! hahaha.
jiayou sean, u can do it der!! haha. :)
Monday, June 12, 2006
she sent me that picture derh...i didnt noe tt until she went 2 my blog and told me...
sorie arhx...i forgot...yah. this post is to credit u de....
haha, hav fun at work tmr.. :)

isnt the evening sky nice and beautiful? haha, i also dnno whr is this place, juz came across this picture in my computer lor...and yea decided 2 post it...haha. it is nice sia...
hahha, trng wasnt bad 2day aftr all...but the attendance is pathetic...very very pathetic...only 7 ppl attended. hai, nvm lar...shiying comin bac from genting tmr and will be coming trng..haha. yay! :)...haha. and yeah mabel is starting work tomorrow at dunno wad waffle shop in east coast park. Haha, so good can work..i also wan. bt 2 bad i underaged lor...nvm lar. when i grow older i will get a chance yupp yupp...hahaha. yeah 2day trng wasnt bad. supposedly must do 10 400m de(as usual), but i did only 9. but the 8 sets i did b4 were fast der...80 plus seconds...not 2 bad for trainings alrdy...and the last set, i wantd 2 do a fast 1.. and yupp, chose a lane. took lane 6...and off i went!! haha, striding the first 200m(lane 6 sux though the curve big big) and sprinting the last 150m...and wad does that gives u? a nice 64 seconds timing...haha. yup 3 seconds short of my personal best and 1 lousier than my national jnrs was 63.37 tt tym...haha. lousy...must work hard. must do 60 n beloww...jiayou la! oh yah and i discovered something. evrytym i run finished a 400m, my butt will hurt..2day, nats jnrs and 4 schools...haha. wonder why does tt happen? i told mabel tt and she told me some stupid thing which i, the stupid boi, doesnt understand...must admit the fact that im too dumb lerr...haha. yeah and i wanna change my blogskin...but firstly, im too lazy to change and secondly, i cant find any nice blogskins, evn though bryan had alrdy found some for me ler...but, i dun think they suit me lor..yar. mus find some new skins...haha. (: yupp, im going off now..haha. byebye ppl..haha. the world cup fever is herre... :)

isnt the evening sky nice and beautiful? haha, i also dnno whr is this place, juz came across this picture in my computer lor...and yea decided 2 post it...haha. it is nice sia...
hahha, trng wasnt bad 2day aftr all...but the attendance is pathetic...very very pathetic...only 7 ppl attended. hai, nvm lar...shiying comin bac from genting tmr and will be coming trng..haha. yay! :)...haha. and yeah mabel is starting work tomorrow at dunno wad waffle shop in east coast park. Haha, so good can work..i also wan. bt 2 bad i underaged lor...nvm lar. when i grow older i will get a chance yupp yupp...hahaha. yeah 2day trng wasnt bad. supposedly must do 10 400m de(as usual), but i did only 9. but the 8 sets i did b4 were fast der...80 plus seconds...not 2 bad for trainings alrdy...and the last set, i wantd 2 do a fast 1.. and yupp, chose a lane. took lane 6...and off i went!! haha, striding the first 200m(lane 6 sux though the curve big big) and sprinting the last 150m...and wad does that gives u? a nice 64 seconds timing...haha. yup 3 seconds short of my personal best and 1 lousier than my national jnrs was 63.37 tt tym...haha. lousy...must work hard. must do 60 n beloww...jiayou la! oh yah and i discovered something. evrytym i run finished a 400m, my butt will hurt..2day, nats jnrs and 4 schools...haha. wonder why does tt happen? i told mabel tt and she told me some stupid thing which i, the stupid boi, doesnt understand...must admit the fact that im too dumb lerr...haha. yeah and i wanna change my blogskin...but firstly, im too lazy to change and secondly, i cant find any nice blogskins, evn though bryan had alrdy found some for me ler...but, i dun think they suit me lor..yar. mus find some new skins...haha. (: yupp, im going off now..haha. byebye ppl..haha. the world cup fever is herre... :)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
but then i dunno how 2 do the play review, it is lyk so hard larhx...
walao...sian...dam bloody bored now.
trng on monday...shiying not coming...she going for holiday in genting...haha.
wah and i checked last year nationals 400m timing qualify for semi finals, u nid a timing of lyk 59.72...and my pb is only lyk 61.??...wlao. 2 seconds is alot lehh...evn though i managed 2 cut dwn 6 seconds of my personal best in primary 6...ok lor, maybe im a sec 1 and she not hav such high hopes in nationals cause im also competing against sec 2s who hav trained 1 more year than me and r much much bttr than me...nvm lor, im gonna work hard, dam dam hard to quailfy for at least s/ tt i happy already...then nxt year work harder and try 2 go into finals...hahaha.
action speaks louder than words eh? haha..yupp. and yea signing off ler....go n do my spastic play review...byebye ppl.
rule the race! X))

Friday, June 09, 2006
yeah and since i dun have scv, i can only watch the 4 matches telecast on chn 5 least bttr than nth.. :) haha.
haha, germany gonna play against costa rica laterr...hahax.
guess they r gonna thrash them...nahh, nt rlly thrash larhx....
hahaha, i think they wuld win though... :) is lyk so duh.
yeah and 2day trng for me was bad bad bad... did 7 rounds of the carpark and did stretching after that...and we were told to do as many rounds as possible in the carpark...
and shiying said i was practically sprinting? okay i dunno, mayb i was rlly goin fast lorhx..i dunno lar...grahhh. mayb that tire me out liao, and cant push when im in the track...haha nvm, nxt tym will "compensate" lor.. :)
and yeah i didnt count how many rounds did i run....the no. of rounds i ran= the no. of rounds mabel ran plus 2 minus the number of extra rounds she ran but i did not..
yeah, liddat will noe how many rounds i ran liao...yeah bt i nid to ask her then...
but my internet went abit siao juz now...and tts y im online at such a time...
haha...yuppx, and after that went in2 the stadium and i practically did lyk 4 sets of 800m onlie...super duper slack..
and 2day so many ppl were using bishan stadium sia....and there is lyk 1 school who put hurdles in lyk lane 5 which is the middle lane?
yahh, lyk wadda hell? and i was told 2 clear track as there r simply 2 many ppl using the track liaos.. :(
nvm lar...haha. it doesnt matter aniwaes... :)...
hahah, im so bored noww...cant wait for the germany-costa rica match to start....
hahhaa, half an hour more...yup. and i shall end my post here bahx....
so bored, enjoy ur weekend ppl...byebye.
should i go trng tmr? no 1 going leh..sian.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
i dam sadd now lor....firstly spore sports school came to bishan stadium and train...and when i see the 400m runners i wanna faint liao lar...
they are lyk so fast, and if i go at their pace...after 1 round i will faint juz so lousy....siann
NEHH gonna train hard. Dun qualify this year i also must qualify nxt yr...
Hahaha....yeah trng was kinda badd for miee 2day...
we did our usual 7 rounds in the carpark, then the warmups and then 10 sets of stairs...
yeah then waited for mr lim 2 tell us wad we were supposed 2 do...
and off we went into the stdum..
and it was lyk shit...i gotta do 10 sets of 400m lar...and in the end i did lyk 6 onlie...
this is the slackest training i have ever had ever since i join track...haha.
ok i shall not be so slack for next trng liao....if not, im gonna be DEAD.
haha..and 2day aftr trng i took mrt with yuhding they all lor...and took to pasir ris with shiying and bought bubble tea larhx....
and yes, i made the most stupidest decision in my life...
i went 2 take bus 21...and it went around pasir ris and tampines b4 reachin my hse...that sure takes ALOT of time...
and is the best part k...i felt lyk shitting after finishing drinking the bubble tea...-.- lyk wadda hell? and i ren for very long larhx..
and when i reached home, i immediately chionged to the toilet...and let my burden off...
this burden sure kills me...-.-
haha, i shall not be so disgusting liao lar...if not ltr ppl scared le, den dun dare be friends with miee alrdy...
yeah and according to my darrling yuhding...dhstrack has become a zoo...
rooster- jolynn =)
monkey- yuhding =D
duck - ME!! :)
wolf - jianfeng xD
chimp - kuanliang X))
cat - shiying X)
hot and sexaye elephant: Mabel X)))
hahahaha, see...the sehh animals. haha...yeah.
and yeah, the animals rock...haha.
yeah and i really lyk the speedwork training lehh...sprinting is fun.
but i dun think i am good at it juz cut out for 400 and 800...hahax.
mayb i can influence mr lim ant ask him 2 let me do sprints? haha, see how lar..
hmm, ducky duck signing off alrdy..Bye.
duck rice is delicious...quack quack.
i dam sadd now lor....firstly spore sports school came to bishan stadium and train...and when i see the 400m runners i wanna faint liao lar...
they are lyk so fast, and if i go at their pace...after 1 round i will faint juz so lousy....siann
NEHH gonna train hard. Dun qualify this year i also must qualify nxt yr...
Hahaha....yeah trng was kinda badd for miee 2day...
we did our usual 7 rounds in the carpark, then the warmups and then 10 sets of stairs...
yeah then waited for mr lim 2 tell us wad we were supposed 2 do...
and off we went into the stdum..
and it was lyk shit...i gotta do 10 sets of 400m lar...and in the end i did lyk 6 onlie...
this is the slackest training i have ever had ever since i join track...haha.
ok i shall not be so slack for next trng liao....if not, im gonna be DEAD.
haha..and 2day aftr trng i took mrt with yuhding they all lor...and took to pasir ris with shiying and bought bubble tea larhx....
and yes, i made the most stupidest decision in my life...
i went 2 take bus 21...and it went around pasir ris and tampines b4 reachin my hse...that sure takes ALOT of time...
and is the best part k...i felt lyk shitting after finishing drinking the bubble tea...-.- lyk wadda hell? and i ren for very long larhx..
and when i reached home, i immediately chionged to the toilet...and let my burden off...
this burden sure kills me...-.-
haha, i shall not be so disgusting liao lar...if not ltr ppl scared le, den dun dare be friends with miee alrdy...
yeah and according to my darrling yuhding...dhstrack has become a zoo...
rooster- jolynn =)
monkey- yuhding =D
duck - ME!! :)
wolf - jianfeng xD
chimp - kuanliang X))
cat - shiying X)
hot and sexaye elephant: Mabel X)))
hahahaha, see...the sehh animals. haha...yeah.
and yeah, the animals rock...haha.
yeah and i really lyk the speedwork training lehh...sprinting is fun.
but i dun think i am good at it juz cut out for 400 and 800...hahax.
mayb i can influence mr lim ant ask him 2 let me do sprints? haha, see how lar..
hmm, ducky duck signing off alrdy..Bye.
duck rice is delicious...quack quack.
dallas mavericks 102 phoenix 93..they won the best of seven series 4-2!
and they qualify for the NBA finals...wooh!!!
facing the miami heat in the finals and are only 4 wins away from their first nba title!!
firsT? im not really sure though...hahahx.
yeah and yuhding ure gonna lose the bet liao lar...dallas is gonna thrash miami
and im gonna get my 7-11 $1.50 combo liao..
HAHAHA...nvm we shall wait and see..haha.
ok signing off..byebye!
yeah going out to library with bryan n daren later lor...
yeah, hope we can get some work done...
if nt im gonna be deadmeat..hahax.
k, goin out liao...byebye!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
it sounds so crude lar...from now on...
im gonna carry out the anti- f word campaign...i shall nt say liaos..
it rlly sounds very crude...i found out aftr ding told me..
okay..i shall not say already...but then the meaning of the post will always remain as it is, evn without the words....
yah and why does evry2 giv track that lousy attitude juz bcoz coach neglects you? coach neglects me also but i did nt giv a single complain at all...
AND the sun has also played a part in the slacking process...wlao..
ok lar i dunwan 2 say liao will only make me more mad.....
yeah shall talk bout sth else bah...hahax.
yeah and i almost complete my maths hmwk lyk 4/5 done liao.
yeah and im gng 2 library tmr with bryan and daren...yeah.
hope we r gonna get some work done...i rlly cant afford 2 slack anymore..
thr is really tons of hmwk waiting for me 2 complete..
and i think im gonna take alot of time liao...yeah sean jiayou.
hahahx..yeah trng shall resume on monday and mr lim says that my schedule is gonna be different...yeah. guess is gonna be sumth tougher...
i shall work hard and earn my place in the semis in 400m...
mayb sounds abit unrealistic coz im competing with secondary 2s also...
but yeah final 16 doesnt seem hard right? lol....
okay work hard and ur efforts will pay off de...bliv me.
ok yeah i shall stop here....byebye ppl
enjoy ur weekend! hahax =)
own the track, rule the race..(:
Friday, June 02, 2006
since u ppl hate track so much...and enjoy slacking so much while we are sweating under the sun training so hard? if u think ure UNABLE to do wad u HAVE to do in track..
get lost...Dhstrack dunnid such ppl to fill in the numbers..
if this goes on, dhstrack will totally be shamed...with this type of fucking attitude...go home and sleep lar...
i have nvr thought of posting this post until A TAG that really made my blood boil....and i really cant stand it anymore...
and i feel lyk slapping HER right in the face now...cut that fucking act...
and ya, i wanna type out wad melissa had said to HER today and wad HER reply was...
melissa: u want dhstrack dao bi issit?
jibai kia: yah, good if dao bi...
wadda fuck....wad is this lar..seriously without u and ur slacking gang rite, dhstrack will still remain what it is...AND IN FACT without u ppl, dhstrack will be BETTER than wat it is now lar...yah.
get that bloody fucking attitude right or get out of dhstrack lar...
who wans u in it? nobodi other than ur hardcore gang...
okay, yuhding gave me wad i needed 2 post this....
and yes i dun care wad YOU PPL think of me now...what has done cannot be undone...
mayb u all will hate me? i dun mind coz i ALREADY HATE u ppl alrdy...
thankiew evry1 sia...yeah and ding and jolynn got me a waterbottle and a pair of ankle colour der..hahax. sehh..x)
thank you...and gt a pencilbox frm byran and daren..haha.
and i spent lyk a total of 18.95 on stationery...ok, nvm lar...frm wad sexaye elephant says, it is lyk an investment..hahax. hope it really IS an investment..
and yeah i would lyk 2 thank her again for helping me with my science assignment...if not im gonna be science sure sucks lar..i rlly hope some1 can help me with it....ok. real thanks...(:
yeah and training 2day was shiok usual, did my 10 sets of 400m...
haha and yuanwei was fast...wheneva i wanna overtake him, it is lyk i need 2 push myself...haha tts good...and he is also good..haha.
and i think i can do bttr for my timing for 400m already lehhx...i dunno sia..i think i able 2 sprint fast for the last 150m...and not puncturing off in the last 50m...
ok yeah i must really work hard...400m is a much more promising event for me compared 2 800m...haha. but i dunno why mr lim thinks that my 800m is much bttr than my 400m..haha. i also dunno...maybe i will find out the reason 1 day?
yeah...really hope so larr...
and i dun get it lar...and i really cannot stand it de lar...
okay im nt critcizing ppl lar bt then...quit track lar if u dun treat track seriously larhx.
come for trngs and all u do is slack...wdds the point? go home and sleep lar..
or find a boifren and hang out with him evryday lar...fuck it lar...
i rlly cant stand it alrdy lar...hav been tolerating...ok im nobody to comment on this...if the ppl hu i am referring to are reading this post, sori if i had offended u in someway..
i noe i am nobody to say all this...but..yah...ok im juz sayin wad i feel lor...and ya.
okay im gonna stop all these unless the gang come and whack me up, tts the end of sean...yah..i shall mind my words from now on...shall nt anyhw blurt things out liao..
yeah nationals coming excited. hahax.
yeah yuhding's 100m heats are on 7 july, semis on 10 july and finals on 19 july...
his 200m is on 11 july, semis on 13 july and finals on 19 july...
okayy, im gonna wish my darrling snr goood luck..x))
ok, shiying now...her 100m is on 7 july also..semis on 10 july and finals on 19 july...
her 200m is on 12 july, semis on 13 july and finals on 19 july...
shiying jiayoU! u sure can qualify all the way to the finals de lar..jiayou.
u sure can do well for ure 200m heats de...ur bday...evry1 will be cheering for u! haha good luck alrite? haha. X))
okay, sexaye elephant now...hahaha. this name sounds nice eh? haha.
yeah her 1500m is on 11 july and the finals is on the next day! haha wish u luck, do ur best! haha.,yeah up next is 800m. it is on 13 july..finals on 19. yeah..
and last event 4x400m on 13 july also..finals also on 19 july...hahax. good luck good luck girl...X))
yeah and now is my event...400m and 800m...
both events are in the morning eh..shuang sia..haha.
my 800m is on 11 july and finals is on 14 july...gonna do my best and qualify for the last 16...and i would have 1 more race to compete in eh? haha shuang..
400m is on the next day, 12 july...semi finals on the next day and finals is on 19 july...haha i wanna at least qualify for the semi finals...
no finals nvm...i must at least qualify for semis...haha.
pray for me okay?? lol, will work very very hard...x)... haha jianfeng events are the same as mine so i shall nt blog about it and kuanliang's event is the same as yuhding's...yeah so refer to yuhding's events and u will noe liao....haha..
guess it is a long post already..i shall end here...
if not u all zzzz liao...hahaha. ok...
im officially 13 yrs old gonna work hard in evryth i do frm now on..haha.
yeah and thank u ppl 4 celebrating my birthday and givin me presents and wishing me a happy birthday...u ppl rawk alrite? haha..
ppl jiayou in wadeva things u do alrite? dun giv up halfway! simply juz in love with u...
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Okay. Here is what you have to do 1. Highlight the whole e-mail. 2. Copy and paste into a new e-mail. 3. Change all the answers so that they apply to you. 4. Send this to a whole bunch of people you know including the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about your friends. BE HONEST and have some fun today! It doesn't take long. So please please, please reply. Please?
1. Starting time: 8.36am
2. Full Name: Sean Teo Xuan Hua
3. Best friend(s): Saufi, Gabriel, Daren, Daniel, Bryan
4. Sexiest friend: Zhengfeng (wahahaha)
5. Funniest friend(s): Saufi, Yuhding, Shiying, Jolynn, Mabel
6. Smartest friend: Dione (SO DUH LAR)
7. Dumbest person: ME obviously
8. Shyest person: Ron
9. Most boring person: Ron
10. Who do u get advice from: family members, friends
11. Height: 170cm
12. Date of Birth: 02/06/93
13. Righty/Lefty: Righty
15. Shoe Size: Not sure..
16. Shoe brand: Reebok, New Balance, Nike
17. Do U crack any body parts? No.
19. Siblings: 2 elder sisters
20. email address:
21. Boyfren/ girlfren: Nah dun hav
22. Crush: Dhstrack
23. Liked a teacher: Mr Shawn Lim
25. Hope the person you send this to would reply: i hope ppl tag!!
26. Ate a tub of icecream: Obviously yes. :)
27. Ran into a glass door: nope, im nt such a loser
29. Gone skinny dipping: Nope
30. Nearly hit by a car: NAHH
31. Ran in2 a speeding car: I am not such an idiot..=D
Girls feel out about guys
35. Boxers or Briefs:
36. Tall or Short :
37. Does size matter:
38. Six-pack or Muscular Arms:
39. Body or Personality:
40. Ear Pierced or Not :
41. Sporty or Outdoorsy:
42. Good or Bad guy:
Guys Fill Out on girls
47. G or hipster undies: Hmm..anyth. X))
48. Tall or Short : Not too short and not too tall.
49. Long Hair or Short : Long hair (short hair also can if it is nice)
50. Dark or Light Eyes: Light
51. Light/Dark Hair: Dark
52. Body or Personality: Both lar
53. Ears Pierced or Not: Yupp
55. Good Girl/Bad Girl: Both. X))
56. Hair Up or Down : Up
57. Sporty or Classy: Sporty
58. Chicken or Not Afraid : Not afraid
Which one is bttr?
59. Coke or pepsi: Pepsi. Coke is unhealthy XD
60. K.F.C or Mcdonalds: Kfc
61. Cats or Dogs : none. both attacked me b4.. X(
62. Coffee or Tea : tea
63. Eastside or westside: eastside. Tampines rawks! =)
64. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate. (:
65. Purple striped Lime socks or white socks: White
66. Cake or Cookies: cookies
67. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise
68. Day or Night: Day. The sun makes me happier
69. Lights on or off : Off. can do wateva u wan mah..(dun xiang wai!)
70. Summer or Winter: Winter. Cold weather rawks..=)
Your favourite
71. Food: No specific long as nice can liao. =D
73. Holiday station: America, Austrailia
74. Radio Station: 93.3
75. Place: On the track. X))
In the future...
76. Would you believe in god: Yes
77. What u want to be when u grow up: not sure...LOL
78. Define love: None
80. Favourite place: still the same
81. Favourite day(s) of the week: Monday, Friday
83. Who is likely to send this bac: Nobodi..haha
84. Satan or God or atheist: God??
More questions
85. Do you love someone rightt now: Yes (:
86. Do you care about someone: Yup (:
87. Do you think of someone everyday: Yupp (:
89. Do you think someone is special in any way: Yah, evry1 is special wad..
90. Finishing time: 9.08am
91. Date: 2nd June 2006